excerpt from Chapter Seven
The Rhetoric of Hypertext
Some Basic Rhetorical Guidelines

Copyright © Marc Millon 1999


The Rhetoric of Hypertext

Editing and Publishing


How to order

Other books by Marc and Kim Millon


Know your audience

Organisation of material

Conceive content in chunks

Text should be clear and concise

Keep paragraphs short and to the point

‘Page’ length

Use headings, sub-headings and lists



Use abstracts or summaries


Make your document interactive

Security and privacy

Know your audience
Think long and hard about who your target audience is. Present your material in a form and language that makes it accessible and understandable to this audience. Think of your audience’s requirements: why have they come to this web site?; what do they need or want to know?; how can you get them to bookmark the site and come back? And give consideration to what level of technical expertise, hardware and software levels your audience is likely to have. If you know that your audience is grossly non-technical, for example, you will need to keep your design and content structured to a low common denominator to ensure that it is accessible, for example, to users with older, low level browsers, probably accessing the web through slow modem connections.

Organisation of material is critical
Before beginning the construction of a web site, it is critical to organise your ideas in a logical fashion so that as content is created, you know what and how the various hypertext documents will link together, both to each other as well as to other external hypertext documents. Create an outline of the site with main sections set up as separate directories or folders and use a visual aid to assist in this process, producing, for example, a flat plan map of the site that visually demonstrates how files link with each other, and where external links go to.

Give thought at this early stage as to how users will navigate a site. What directories or indexes need to be present at all times; should the site be set up using frames or tables to assist in navigation?; can users who enter from various portals figure out where they are? Effective organisation of material is essential for any web site to be successful.

Conceive content in chunks
Hypertext demands the organisation of material in self-contained, non-linear chunks. Such an approach may require considerable reorganisation of existing linear material in order to organise it effectively for the web. Sections should develop single ideas or points – related or tangential ideas are best highlighted through links, but be careful about inviting your reader to click elsewhere, especially to external links, too early.

Remember that users may access material in any order, so it may be essential that such sections are able to stand on their own. Sections should not be overly long – two and a half screens is generally considered about the maximum – as users find it difficult and tiresome to access information that requires excessive scrolling.

Text should be written clearly and concisely
A good hypertext document, like any good document, demands that information is presented clearly and in a jargon-free manner that is understandable. The need for clear, concisely written text that avoids long or complex syntax or complicated vocabulary is even more pressing in a medium where users scan rather than read word for word, and where it is critical that information is delivered and accessed quickly. Since the web is a new medium, it seems that simple, informal language works best rather than literary or overblown formal styles of writing.

Keep paragraphs short and to the point
The paragraph remains the unit of composition on the web as on the printed page, the grammatical container that represents a self-contained thought, argument or chunk of information. Keep paragraphs short and to the point, with no more than one main argument per paragraph. Readers are used to the convention of the indented paragraph, so use indents, as in print, to separate paragraphs, rather than non-indented breaks with line spaces or separation of ideas with horizontal rules. Since text is often scanned rather than read word for word, ideas are best organised from the top down, with the most important points presented first, and any amplifying information following.

‘Page’ length
Remember that the length of a web ‘page’ depends on the end user’s screen size: a page developed and tested on a 17 inch monitor at 1152 x 870 pixels resolution, for example, will look considerably different to that same page viewed on a 14 inch monitor at 640 x 480 pixels resolution: the former, quite simply, will display a larger area, potentially wider and deeper than the smaller monitor. So if you want to make an immediate impact, ensure that your content will fit on a single screen window in the browsers that you consider your target audience will be using (the entry level for new PCs is now 15 inch monitors). On the other hand, if you have lengthy text or content, then accept that users will simply have to scroll down to access it. How small can pages be? If a succinct nugget of information needs to be offered, then a web page can be just a single paragraph or image. However, always ensure that the requisite navigational furniture is included on each page to ensure that visitors can find their way to the other sections of the site.

Use headings, sub-headings and lists
As users prefer to scan text in the first instance rather than read dense chunks of text on-screen, it is important that the main points of a hypertext document are clearly made to stand out through the use of hierarchical headings and sub-headings. The use of style sheets can be one way to assist in organising such headings and sub-headings logically and consistently. Lists are also effective means to help summarise main options or points in a hypertext document. If text is lengthy, or broken into lots of sub-sections, then consider, if appropriate, adding a brief table of contents at the top of a page, linked to the sub-sections by anchor tags to help the user find his/her way around (anchors are usually internal hyperlinks which when clicked take the reader to a particular section of a document).

Use typography creatively to change the beat and keep a user’s attention
In order to achieve interesting typographical effects that you know will be displayed on most user’s browsers, type must be rendered as non-editable image files. Such files, though adding considerably to the file size of a document, can be effective in presenting headings (use of shadowed type, embossed type, etc.), initial drop capital letters, animated type, navigation buttons, and other such effects. When combined with javascripts, for example, type can be made to appear to change colours when a mouse cursor passes over it (by swapping images ‘on mouseover’).

Typographical design features such as pulled quotes, a device that glossy magazines and newspapers often use, can be effective in a web site. Pulled quotes highlight in larger or bold text a statement that stands out from the rest of a text and can help to draw attention to the most relevant or important points.

Help the user to navigate a site
Use visual clues such as navigation bars and icons to help the users find their way around a site. Consider using tables or frames in order to present such navigational information consistently and permanently on a site, with, for example, links to the main sections of a site on a top navigation bar, and links to sub-sections within a left-hand column navigation section. Furthermore, there is a convention that textual links to a site’s main sections may be offered at the bottom of each web page in small type. It seems prudent, indeed, to adopt such a ‘belt-and-braces’ approach where web navigation is concerned, and at the risk of being repetitive, to offer as many links to main and other sections from a variety of options as you can. In that way, you can at least minimise the risk of visitors getting hopelessly lost within your site.

Use abstracts or summaries to present lengthy material
If lengthy chunks of text need to be offered, then provide the user with an abstract or summary. This should be written concisely and to the point, clearly outlining what to expect in the full article, main sections and sub-sections, which of course should all be interconnected through hyperlinks and anchors.

Hyperlinks add credibility and authority to a hypertext document
Hyperlinks also bring a web document alive and add depth and authority to a hypertext document. Use them wisely and considerately. Some prefer that links are gathered together at the end of a hyperdocument rather like a collection of footnotes in order not to distract from a considered reading of the text;11 but most web authors feel that a hypertext document is in essence a structured document that should contain as many coloured or underlined links as possible to invite the reader to explore more deeply elsewhere.

Links, if textual rather than graphic, should be created from significant or meaningful words and phrases and they ought to be placed within a contextual framework that helps the user to know where he will be taken (unless you are offering links serendipitously, inviting the user to go on a journey of discovery that leads to somewhere not anticipated). Always consider whether links offered are truly necessary: too many links can be counterproductive, inviting users to exit your site and visit elsewhere.

Make your document interactive
Hypertext has the unique capacity for content creator and user to interact and establish a dialogue. Make use of this powerful feature by including a guestbook, questionnaire, or at the least by offering an e-mail facility so that readers can contact you. Getting users to interact positively is a first step in engaging your visitors to enter into the unique community that your site represents.

Security and privacy
It is so easy to publish on the web that it is quite possible unwittingly to present information or content that, in retrospect, you may not actually want the world at large to have access to. Therefore, think and think again before publishing any private or corporate information that is potentially sensitive. Even when placed behind limited distribution areas of a web site, robot search engines may be able to regularly search and index such material.

Also reassure your readers of their privacy and rights. If you invite them to sign a guestbook, don’t ever use or pass their names on to third parties without express written permission.

Editing and Publishing



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